Our First Time in the Water
Location: Crystal River, Florida
Day 2
by Karen Brown |
Today was not a particularly exciting day for me until the very end! (Most of the day I unpacked and returned phone calls and did paperwork.) The fun part of the day was getting into our beautiful yellow Cobra kayaks and paddling out into Kings Bay to see the manatees!
There is a dock here at the Kings Bay Lodge where we are staying.We put our kayaks in the water and stepped into them from the dock. They are so stable. I did not worry about my kayak tipping over at all. I have a nice seat to sit in with a comfortable back rest. The paddle is light and easy to use. The only problem is trying to keep up with Karen. He is bigger and stronger than I am and can go a lot faster. He goes very fast when he is excited about seeing manatees.
As we were paddling along on our way to Three Sisters I saw four manatees in the river swim right under my kayak! I even saw them come up for air and I heard one of them take a breath because it was only a few feet away from me.
When we got to Three Sisters, I stayed in my kayak and watched Wayne as he snorkeled and took pictures of the manatees. The water was so clear and shallow. I could see the manatees with no problem.
Tomorrow we are going to meet some researchers and go with them to see manatees. I will take my snorkeling gear and go in the water tomorrow.
We will take lots of pictures and tell you all about our day.
Manatee Fun Fact:
When a manatee is swimming fast, it may surface to breathe as often as every 30 seconds. But if it is resting or moving slowly, the manatee will come up to breathe every three to five minutes. When a manatee is sleeping it will come up for air about every ten minutes. |
I am in my Cobra Kayak paddling to Three Sisters. The wavy line over my head is water on the camera lens. The straight line behind me is a bridge we paddle under.
Three Sisters Springs: The roped off area is an area only for manatees. By the rope the water is only about 4 feet deep. See how calm the water is. The sun is setting now. It is about 6 PM.
As the sun sets we paddle our Cobra kayaks back home. (That's Wayne in the picture.)