The Crystal River Florida Manatee Expedition
What are the four
basic elements of
(Fill in the blanks to find out the basic elements of habitat.)
1. Manatees eat plants that grow in the water. These plants are called aquatic vegetation. Aquatic vegetation is the only type of FOOD that manatees should eat.
2. Manatees seek out and drink fresh WATER from natural sources. They do not need people to provide this drink for them.
3. Manatees are migratory animals. Their travel because of seasonal changes. Travel corridors are necessary necessary for the manatees to move back and forth between summer and winter habitats. People who use these corridors must respect the manatees' need for safe passage and provide adequate SPACE for the manatees to reach their final destinations.
4. Manatees must have a safe, protected area, or SHELTER, that they can go to that keeps them away from harassment, boat traffic, strong currents and people. These areas are needed for feeding, resting, playing, mating or calving their young. In Florida, with the increasing number of people and boats, this safe protected area is getting harder and harder for the manatee to find.
If any of the four elements (FOOD, WATER, SPACE, SHELTER) are missing, a manatee cannot survive. It is up to people to help the manatee survive.
