Belize Aggressor III Crew
Captain Ken Elkins
Ken is the captian Belize Aggressor III. Captain Ken is a retired Coast Guard officer and sea captain. Captian Ken is also a divermaster. Captain Ken is from Sacramento, California. |
Engineer John
John is the second captian and ship's engineer. John is in charge of making sure everything works from the engines to the lights. John is also a divemaster and scuba diving instructor. John is from the Caribbean Island of St. Vincent. John lives in Dangriga, Belize with his wife, Thelma. |
Divemaster & Videographer Juan Coc
Juan is the underwater video pro. Juan is also a divemaster and scuba instructor. Juan is Mayan and lives in Caracol, Belize with his wife and two kids. |
Divemaster & UnderwaterPhoto Pro Steve Goergens
Steve is the underwater photogragher pro. Steve is also a divemaster and scuba instructor. Steve is from Dayton, Ohio. |
Cook Thelma
Thelma is the cook. She made all the great meals we had for breakfast, lunch and dinner. She also made all the snacks we ate between dives.Thelma is John's wife. Thelma and John live in Dangriga, Belize. |
Housekeeper Shirley
Shirley is the housekeeper and helps Thelma with the cooking.