Yo, Ho, Ho and a Bucket of Slop!
Location: Equator - Central Pacific Ocean
(between Christmas and Starbuck Islands)
Day 17 by Wayne Brown |
We were up with the staff last night planning on today activities. Today is special day because we are crossing the equator.
Crossing the equator has been a special time ever since ships first sailed the seas thousands of years ago. The equator crossing ceremony is called "Crossing the Line". Ceremonies for passing an important landmark at sea have been performed by sailors since the time of the ancient Greeks. Early Crossing the Line ceremonies in the 1600's had a serious purpose. They were designed to test novice seamen to see if they were tough enough for a long sea voyage. Those who had crossed the not crossed the equator ("polliwogs") had to be initiated by those who had ("shellbacks"). Initiations could include crawling through garbage, eating weird-looking food, kissing a dead fish, getting covered in slop, having your head shaved.
In charge of the ceremony is Roman sea god, King Neptune, with his wife and child. During the ceremony King Neptune must give permission for the ship and its passengers to cross the sea at the equator. Those who have never crossed the equator are required by King Neptune to be punished for any lack of respect for him, and his ocean realm.
In charge of the Crossing the Line ceremony on Clipper Odyssey is our expedition staff: King Neptune (Little John), his wife, Apetitus (David), their daughter, Nausea (Lynn), pirates (Ingrid & Big John), mermaids (Karen & cruise director Tula), and Bloodclot (our ship's doctor, Dr. Aled).
Neither of us have been across the equator on a ship, so I am chosen to be initiated today. I'm worried about what they will be doing to me because that there may be some disgusting things they are planning on. Fortunately they won't be shaving my head!
After lunch King Neptune, his court and all the passengers gather on the stern deck by the pool for the ceremony. Except for me, all the staff are dressed in goofy costumes, especially David who is dressed as King Neptune's wife!
After everyone is gathered King Neptune reads a proclamation that he will only grant safe passage to our ship if certain passengers are made to pay for their disrespect to him and his realm. Three passengers, plus me, are captured by the pirates. One is set free and two are thrown in the pool. The worst is saved for me. I am made to set at the edge of the pool as slop is poured over my head! (It is actually some kind of slimey bread dough the chef has made for the ceremony.) Then the fireman (hotel manager Craig), dressed in a silver, fire-fighting suit runs up and throws a big, bucket of ice-cold water all over me! After all they do all that to me I am thrown in the pool! (I'm glad that this is the last time in my life I will have to go through this!)
After all this Captain Frank then comes forward to accept the key to the kingdom from King Neptune, so the ship is now free to travel across the ocean realm.
Well, that wasn't as bad as it could have been...At least I didn't get my head shaved, or have to kiss a smelly, old, dead fish! (I'm still trying to get the slop out of my hair, though!)
Tomorrow, we hope to go snorkeling at another coral atoll, Starbuck Island. No, they don't serve coffee there. The island was named after the captain of a British whaling ship.
Best Smellly, Slimey Fishes,
Wayne Brown
Central Pacific Ocean
(Between Christmas
and Starbuck Islands)
Position: 0º 00' N / 157º 24' W
Air Temp: 84ºF
Weather: moderate breeze, clear skies with scattered clouds
Sea Conditions: slightly choppy seas
Karen and cruise director, Tula, are dressed as mermaids for the Crossing the Line ceremony..
King Neptune's court. Left to right: Pirate John (Big John), Apetitus (David), King Neptune (Little John), and their daughter, Nausea (Lynn).
King Neptune's court by the pool. Left to right: Pirate Ingrid, Bloodclot, Apetitus, King Neptune, Nausea, Pirate John.
As Nausea celebrates, Pirate John dumps a big bucket of slop over Wayne head!
Fireman Craig throws a big bucket of ice-cold water on Wayne!
Next to Nausea, Captain Frank accepts the key to King Neptune's ocean realm.