Kiribati Facts

Flag Description: As Kiribati lies astride the Equator, the Flag features a tropical sunrise with the frigate bird flying over the ocean. The frigate bird carries messages from place to place and symbolises freedom and power. The seventeen rays of the sun represent the sixteen islands of the Gilberts and Banaba (Ocean Island). The three waves in the lower half of the Flag stand for the Gilbert, Phoenix and Line Island Groups. The vast ocean over which the bird is flying is a reminder that Kiribati is a sea territory with far more water
than land.
History: First inhabited by people that migrated from southeast Asia. Much later, in the 1500's or 1600's Somoan's came. Discovered by British captains Gilber and Marshall in 1788. After discovery by British Chinese and other Pacific Islanders arrived.
Government: A former British Crown Colony. In 1979 Kiribati became an independent, self-governing republic.
Local government is elected Legislative Council with 13 members.
Capitol: Tarawa Island
Location: In the central Pacific Ocean,
Number of Islands: 33 main islands.
Amount of Coastline: 80 km
Highest Point: 1,600 feet above sea level
Average Temperatures: 80ºF year-round (27ºC)
People: Micronesian in appearance: average height, slim and sturdy, light brown skin, straight, black hair.
Language: English, Gilbertese
Religion: Baptist - 42%, Catholic - 34%, Episcopalian - 17%
GDP - per capita: $800
Industries: Fishing handicrafts,
Agriculture: copra, taro, breadfruit, sweet potatoes, vegetables, fish.
Exports: copra (dried coconut), seaweed, fish
Currency: Australian Dollar